CCC - Circuit Sprints

Circuits sprints are a great step up from 'Trackdays'. These events allow you to perfect those standing starts and really test your ability behind the wheel against other cars, in a safe environment.

Passing is allowed, with no restrictions other than standard MSNZ rules. Circuit sprints are highly recommended for those looking to move into touring car racing in the near future, while also being full of entertainment for all types of vehicle and driver.



Event Format

Dual Car Circuit Sprints

Consist of being split into groups of 6-8, heading out onto a course (for example the GP circuit with no dipper), having a warmup lap, then coming to a halt on the grid. You are then flagged away in pairs, with the next pair starting 10 seconds behind you, and so on. You get 3 laps with a standing start then the chequered flag. You then have one warm down lap.

You then get a second go (same as above) on the same course and the best time out of those 2 courses will get carried through to the overall result.

You will then repeat all of that on at least 3 separate courses.

Multi Car Circuit Sprints

The same as Dual Car sprints but instead of being flagged away in pairs you go in a group of 6 cars, these races are normally held on the full length circuit.


  • Class 5 - 3001+ cc

  • Class 4 - 2001-3000cc

  • Class 3 - 1601-2000cc

  • Class 2 - 1301-1600cc

  • Class 1 - 0-1300cc

  • Cross cars (Vehicles running under Schedule XC)

  • Road-cars

The engine capacity is based on your engine cc and a modifier of:

  • x 1.7 for Turbo/Supercharger cars

  • x 1.8 for cars with rotary engines. 

e.g. 1300cc rotary = 1300 x 1.8 = 2340cc

Rules & Regs


You must have have a minimum of a MSNZ M Grade Competition Licence to compete

MSNZ ClubSport Licence

Racecar or Road Legal Car

Your racecar must meet the following regulations

Or alternatively you can use a road car.

Convertible cars must have homologated roll protection, it must have 50mm clearance above the drivers helmet in normal seated position.

Roll cage not required for road legal cars (with a roof).

Safety Gear

Please consultant the “Clubsport Advanced” Motorsport NZ regulations for the required gear

MSNZ Safety Critical Items


  • Approved helmet (See part 4.1 in Schedule A)

  • Overalls, 2 layer FIA/SFI approved race suit or single layer with approved long underwear

  • Fire extinguisher mounted as per Schedule A (metal double strap bracket)

  • Neckbraces/Head restraints aren’t compulsory, but are also highly recommended


To enter an event please use the Motorsport NZ Online Entry system , if you require help with your entry please go to the Canterbury Car Club

Each event will have it's own entry form and race schedule (available directly from the Canterbury Car Club website, linked above).

Entering ahead of the day saves gives you a discount on the entry fee and also helps with streamlining the management of the race day.

You can enter ahead of time and choose to pay on the day, if you then can't make it on the day that's ok. 


These events are FREE to attend, no tickets required.



Event Entry
$95 (online) or $120 (paper/late entry)


Canterbury Car Club
Phone: 03 349 6003
[email protected]
