Classic Allcomers Saloons

Welcome to the new Race group for pre-1990 Classic Saloon Cars. This group is run under the Classic Motor Racing Club of New Zealand, and provides an exciting group for a wide range of Classic Racing Saloons.

Whether you have a Genuine car a replica, or a car that's building its own glory, we may have a place for your car to race!

We understand there are a lot of like minded individuals with amazing cars which meet a wide variety of rules, and this should be celebrated and given the opportunity to grow. We all want more cars and competitors to race against regardless of the performance of our cars.

We are providing a clear set of regulations (and not creating new ones) which competitors can now easily identify with and adhere to so we can define what this groups is about.

To ensure safety, we run 2 speed groups, which are clearly defined in the regulations.

The mantra is clear - run the car you enjoy and spectators like to see, have a goods days racing, and put the car on the trailer in one piece, the way racing should be!


  • Provide a group for as many Classic Saloon Cars with clear and simple regulations.

  • Create a grid that’s is “classic” in feel and nature and which fits into the CMRC directive.

  • Manage performance and competition with lap time groups instead of endless regulations

  • Provide a place for all who wish to take part in classic racing to have a go and run against someone with a similar performance car.

  • Create management around the group so that cars eligibility and driving standards are upheld.

  • Ensure enjoyment and safe racing are the priority.


  • Cars are allowed to run Slicks or Treaded Tire’s - the choice is yours, performance is measured in Lap time not tire and car performance.

  • If you are struggling to get tires for your current wheels we have accommodation for that in the regulations.

  • It is not mandatory to have a car with a COD etc, If a competitor is interested to go down this route we can certainly assist, but it is not mandatory.

  • For a wide range of reasons we have opted to keep the vehicle eligibility date to a maximum date of 1990. HOWEVER - if you currently run in large and small saloons and have a car which is newer than this, lets talk - we have the option to allow invited cars, and we are more than happy to work with owners and accommodate cars which may be newer but within the regs.

  • If you have a car which you feel may not quite meet all the criteria, or may sit outside the reg’s, or are just confused, that’s no problem, talk to us, were very approachable, and we want to help and accommodate you if and where possible.

  • Driving standards are very important, we want this class to be a place where all cars and competitors can enjoy racing which is as stress free as possible, there are no points - this is not a championship, there maybe the odd chocolate fish swimming around but not for the winner, or the fastest driver into the first corner!


  • R1 - 15th Jun 2024 - Autumn Fling - Levels

  • R2 - 31st Aug 2024 - Brooklands Meeting - Levels

  • More to come



Rules & Regs

CARSS Regulations

C1 grade Competition License or higher required.


$50yr per driver.

You will also need to be a member of the Classic Motor Racing Club when racing at their events which is $50yr

Event Entry


Steve Keene
021 740 855
[email protected]
