Highlands Sprint Series

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Started in 2020 to give local competitors the chance to experience the circuit, the atmosphere and racing without the pressure of a full-on, door handle-to-door handle competition.

Races run on the Highlands Circuit A and Circuit C joined together (2.9km).

A wide variety or cars attend from Porsche 991 Cup Cars to Nissan Pulsar 2KCup cars.


Event Format

  • Practice (20min)

  • Qualifying (20min)

  • 6 Lap Race

  • 6 Lap Race

  • 6 Lap Race

  • 20 min Race (Fast and Furious Final Race)


Class 1

Faster than 1:20:000

Class 2

Between 1:20:000 and 1:23.999

Class 3

Between 1:24:000 and 1:26.999

Class 4

Slower than 1:27:000

Competitor Volunteer Levy

All competitors who wish to race at Highlands will be required to choose to either

  • Nominate themselves to volunteer or provide a volunteer for a day in the Highlands racing calendar year (HRCY) 1 October – 30 April*; OR,

  • Pay a $100 competitor volunteer levy (CVL)*

*The requirement is one day per HRCY or $100 per HRCY– no matter how many events you participate in at Highlands in the HRCY.

The Competitor Volunteer Levy will be used to support volunteers or pay for volunteer groups for future events.

More Information

Rules & Regs


You must have have a minimum of a MSNZ C Grade Competition Licence to compete

MSNZ Race Licence


All cars at a minimum must have a half roll cage

Your racecar must meet the following regulations


Safety Gear

This runs as a National Event which means a higher level of safety gear is required e.g. Frontal Head Restraints (FHR) are mandatory and multi layer overall’s are required.

Please consultant the Motorsport NZ regulations for the required gear.

MSNZ Safety Critical Items


A championship is run for all competitors.

Series points for all series classes will be as follows (1st to last finisher): 75, 67, 60, 54, 49, 45, 42, 39, 36, 33, 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1.

The Fast & Furious Race at rounds 1,2 and 3 will have bonus points - Full placing points will be allocated for position when safety car is deployed and then full placing points for race finish.

Race 4 at round 4 will have the normal points given based from 1st to last finisher.

At the end of the season the competitor in each class with the highest number of points accumulated will be classed the winner. 

The overall Sprint series champion will be the competitor with the highest number of points accumulated over the season.

Joker Card

All FULL series competitors will be allocated one Joker Card. The Joker Card can be used for any one (1) of the four (4) rounds. The Joker Card must be submitted to the Race Secretary before the start of Qualifying. On the completion of the selected round, the competitors accumulated round points will be doubled.

Submit Joker Card

Breakout Penalties

If you set a faster lap time than the time limit in your class (“Breakout Time”) you will be penalised with a 50 point deduction. You will only receive one 50 point deduction per race or qualifying, if you breakout multiple times in that race or qualifying session this will count towards your total number of breakouts for that season. If you go faster than your Class Breakout Time in any 3 races/qualifying sessions throughout the season, you will be shifted automatically into the next fastest class.  Once you have moved into a faster class you cannot move back to a slower class. Should you wish to shift class at any time you must come and see the category manager. This will be at the Category Managers discretion.

When you are moved to another Class your current Championship points will be transferred over, unless your change of Class is due to a Change of Vehicle and then rule 4.14 applies.


These events are FREE to attend, no tickets required.

Watch from the Highlands Cafe and enjoy the action from the elevated deck or head down to the grass berm beside our Go Kart track. You can also visit Pit Lane to meet the drivers and see the cars up close.



Event Entry
$462 per round
$1431 full season


Phone: 03 445 4052
[email protected]
